Partners for Sacred Spaces
Partners for Sacred Places:

PSP Magazine Report Fall 2016 – Bob Jaeger – CI Nov 30 Poster
PRRUCS will build on its two decades of work with Partners for Sacred Places (, or PSP, America’s only national, nonsectarian nonprofit organization dedicated to sound stewardship and active community use of older sacred places in cities all across America.

Beverly Frazier – Ram Cnaan – Wilson Goode
PSP is co-led Mr. Bob Jaeger (long-time PRRUCS Senior Affiliate and Founding President and CEO of PSP) and Professor Ram Cnaan (a Penn SP2 scholar, and former CRRUCS Associate Faculty Director, who has worked with PSP for more than 20 years), flanked by three former PSP board members: PRRUCS Senior Affiliates and former PSP board members Rev. Dr. Beverly Frazier and Rev. Dr. W. Wilson Goode, Sr., and Penn Professor and PRRUCS Founding Director John J. DiIulio, Jr.

Cnaan’s The Other Philadelphia Story and The Invisible Caring