Transnational Religious Organizations
Transnational Religious Organizations
FLI Workshop In China With Catholic Nuns On Eldercare (including Joe Tierney, Chao Guo and Chris Bradway)
To address challenges ranging from environmental protection to elder care services, poverty reduction to substance abuse treatment, governments all across the globe are relying ever more heavily on public-private partnerships (PPP), including PPP that include both indigenous and transnational non-governmental organizations that are religious in character. In 2020, PRRUCS, in partnership with Penn’s Fox Leadership International (FLI) program and its affiliates, launched a five-year project on Global Religion, PPP, and Transnational Religious Organizations (TRO).
Ferdous Jahan, Joe Tierney, and Hope Lozano Bielat
TRO’s co-leadership involves numerous FLI affiliates, including Dr. Ferdous Jahan, former FLI Associate Director and Professor at the University of Dhaka, and presently a senior official with the World Bank and also a C2G2 member; Mr. Joseph P. Tierney, senior advisor to FLI’s Joint Project on Eldercare in China (J-PEC), long-time PRRUCS Senior Affiliate (and author of several PRRUCS reports focused on Philadelphia), and former Executive Director of Penn’s Fox program; and Dr. Hope Lozano-Bielat, an FLI Senior Affiliate and expert on TROs who teaches Penn’s Global Leadership and Problem-Solving course (LEAD 4000).
The first TRO projects focus on global demographic trends pertaining to the world’s most highly at-risk elderly subpopulations (“Global Greying” among persons who are by various measures “sick, old, alone, and poor”), and the role of TROs in supplying eldercare supports and services in America, Bangladesh, China, and other nations.